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Cause i have nothing better to do...
Monday, September 25, 2006
Bold the items that apply to you:

I hate my name; I am shorter than 5'4; I have
long hair; I have many scars; I tan easily; I wish my
hair was a different color; I have friends who have never seen
my natural hair color; I have a tattoo; I am self-conscious
about my appearance; I have/I've had braces; I wear
glasses or contact lenses; I would get plastic surgery if it
were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free; I have more than
2 piercing; I have piercings in places besides my ears; I have
freckles; I'm paranoid at times; I'm a pretty good dancer(i think lol);
I don't really hate anyone.

I've sworn at my parents; I've run away
from home; I've been kicked out of the house; My biological
parents are together; I have a sibling less than one year old; I
have at least one brother and/or sister; I have a twin; I
want lots of kids someday; I've had children; I've lost a child.

I'm in school; I have a job; I've fallen
asleep at work/school; I almost always do my homework;
I've missed a week or more of school;I've been on the
Honor Roll within the last 2 years; I failed more than 1 class
last year; I've stolen something from my job; I've been fired;
I've skipped school.

EMBARESSMENT: I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken
conversation; Disney movies still make me cry; I've
laughed so hard I've cried; I've glued my hand to something;
I've had my pants rip in public; I'm completely
embarrassed to be seen with my mother.

HEALTH: I was born with a disease/impairment; I've gotten
stitches; I've broken a bone; I've had my tonsils removed;
I've sat in a doctors office with a friend; I've had my wisdom teeth
removed; I had a serious surgery; I've had chicken pox.

TRAVELING: I've been on a plane; I've been to Canada;
I've been to Mexico; I've been to Niagara Falls; I've been to
Japan; I've been to Brazil; I've been to Australia
Europe; I've been to Africa; I've been to Peru;
I've been to Amsterdam; I've been to India; I've been to Argentina;
I've been to Greece; I've been to Jamaica.

I've gotten lost in my city; I've seen a
shooting star; I've wished on a shooting star; I've seen a
meteor shower; I've gone out in public in my pajamas;
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator; I got stuck in an
elevator; I've kicked a guy where it hurts; I've been to a
casino; I've been skydiving; I've been an abuse victim; I have
worn fake hair/nails/eyelashes in the past; I've gone skinny
dipping; I've played spin the bottle; I've drank a whole
gallon of milk in one hour; I've crashed a car; I've been skiing;
I've been in a play; I have changed a diaper before; I've
met someone in person from the internet; I've caught a
snowflake on my tongue; I've seen the Northern Lights; I've
sat on a roof top at night; I've played a prank on someone;
I've ridden in a taxi; I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture
Show; I've eaten Sushi; I've been snowboarding.

I like someone right now; I'm single; I'm
in a relationship; I'm engaged; I'm married; I have never been in a
real relationship before; I've had someone cheat on me; I've gone
on a blind date; I’ve rejected someone before; I've been
dumpee more than the dumper; I miss someone right now;
I have a fear of commitment; I have a fear of abandonment;
I've gotten divorced; I've had feelings for someone who didn't
have them back; I've told someone I loved them when I
didn't; I've told someone I didn't love them when I did;
I've told someone I didn't like them when I did; I've kept
something from a past relationship; I have dated a close
friend's ex.

I am straight; I am gay; I am bi; I'm not sure;
I've kissed a male(FYI I was DRUNK and he kissed me yuck!);
I've had sex with a male; I've had sex with a female
I've had a crush on a teacher; I've been kissed in
the rain; I've been kissed in the snow; I've hugged a stranger;
I am very shy around the opposite sex sometimes.

I am a terrible liar; I've done something I
promised someone else I wouldn't; I've done something I
promised myself I wouldn't; I've snuck out of my house; I
have lied to my parents about where I am; I am keeping a
secret from the world; I've cheated while playing a game;
I've run a red light; I've been suspended from school; I've
witnessed a crime; I've been arrested.

I've consumed alcohol; I regularly
drink; I've passed out from drinking; I have passed out drunk at
least once in the past 6 months; I've taken painkillers when I
didn't need them;I've done pot; I'm a stoner; I've snorted cocaine; I've eaten
shrooms; I've popped E(no comment); I've inhaled Nitrous; I've done hard drugs(no comment);
I have cough drops when I'm not sick; I can't swallow pills;
I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem; I have
been diagnosed with clinical depression; I shut others out when
I'm depressed; I have taken anti-depressants; I've slept an entire
day when I didn't need it; I've hurt myself on purpose; I'm
addicted to self harm; I've woken up crying; I've cried myself to
sleep; I've seen a therapist.

I'm afraid of dying; I hate funerals;
I've seen someone dying; Someone close to me has
attempted suicide; Someone close to me has committed
suicide; I've planned my own suicide; I've attempted suicide; I've
written a eulogy for myself.

I love to shop; I own over 5 rap Cds;
I own an iPod or MP3 player; I have an unhealthy obsession with
anime/manga;I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100
a piece; I own some thing from Hot Topic; I own something from
Pac Sun; I collect comic books; I own something from The
Gap; I own something I got on e-bay.

In general, I don't like
people; I'm a feminist; I'm outgoing; I listen to political
music; I'm Democratic; I'm Republican; I'm Liberal; I don't like
Bush; I don't like Bush with my own reasons to back it up; I am
for Bush; I am religious; I dress fairly modestly; My
attitude is, "If you've got it, flaunt it."

I can sing well; I've stolen a tray from a fast food
restaurant; I open up to others easily; I watch the news; I
don't kill bugs; I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for
the sake of being able to rhyme; I curse regularly; I sing in
the shower; I am a morning person; I've lied on my
back and watched cloud shapes go by; I paid for my cell
phone ringtone; I'm a snob about grammar; I've made a
snow angel; I am a sports fanatic; I twirl my hair; I
have "x"s in my screen name; I love being neat; I love
Spam; I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day; I've been
obsessed with post-it notes; I'm not allergic to anything
deadly; I bake well; I've sang karaoke; My favorite
color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue; I would wear
pajamas to school; I like Martha Stewart; I know how to
shoot a gun; I enjoy some country music; I am in love with
love; I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS; I laugh at my own jokes;
I eat fast food weekly; I own lots of books; I'm
always up & having fun no matter how much sugar I have;
I believe in ghosts; I am scared to watch scary movies
alone; I am online 24/7, even as an away message; I've
not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class; I
can't sleep if there is a spider in the room; I am really
ticklish; I have a cell phone; I love white chocolate; I love
drama; I play video games; I'm good at remembering faces;
I'm good at remembering names; I'm good at remembering dates
of the week; I've hated my life; I have no idea what I want to do
for the rest of my life.

P.S Strepthroat is a motherfucker.


posted by Paradox @ 8:37 AM  
2 of them bitches said:
  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger caT` said…

    I have but one word for u: Interesting... :P

  • At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW um u have done alot. and now i know almost everything about you. um yeah. im still like wow. oh now i have a Calculus midterm next week and add that to the 5 papers. so ya. GG premieres tonight.

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