prairie madness..
Saturday, September 02, 2006 |
Well I'm back in the homeland..ugh. lol. and I'm staying with my girlfriend's parents (who dislike me like crazy!) so I've just been out and about seeing my highschool friends..yes I went to highschool in the prairies *hangs head in shame* but through no fault of my own. I was forced by my parents since they didn't want to deal with me after I came out. But that's a whole other sob story.
Anyways this morning, I went to see one of the girls I was on the soccer team with in highschool (yes I was a jock..) and she pretty much dragged me down to one of her weekly pickup games..which happened to be held by alumni of our team. Now I am very competitive-and seeing them again raised that competitive spirit. So I laced my cleats and within about 10 minutes, I could see that since highschool, these girls have kept in shape. Now I consider myself to be in shape..I work-out regularly and I still do play soccer..but they're skill level was on a whole other plane. These girls were hardcore. I couldn't believe I used to be the captain of this team..which made me wonder..do they have lives? I mean the dedication and time it takes..must not leave you with a lot of spare time. But good news..I did score a couple goals which helped my team win 4-3..but the fun didn't begin until the game ended. -Because that's when my girlfriend came. Now in highschool, I was out and there were quite a bit of people who didn't believe me(especially the girls on my team..which was really weird) because they all thought I was making some political statement. And it didn't help that they didn't know I had a girlfriend (because she wasn't out yet). Now if you don't know me(which you probably don't since this is like my third post)..my current girlfriend is that same girlfriend from highschool..only she's pretty much out now. So when she showed up at the soccer pitch and gave me a kiss, we both recieved 'the look' from our old friends (yes she was on the soccer team too). And that pretty much opened up a wave of questions from them..lol yes you know the questions "who's the man?..what do you do in bed?"..etc and then there was this one girl who kind of has this epiphany and she says "So thats why you two were always the last ones in the shower!" haha that made my day. anyways my wrists are starting to cramp so until next time..
--Paradox |
posted by Paradox @ 4:17 PM
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