Thursday, September 07, 2006 |
Meh, today I was too hungover to make it to school. I pretty much woke up, brushed my teeth and just decided crash at home the rest of the day. Ugh, that's what I get for going to bars during back to school week. I was pretty much at home the rest of the day, vegging out on the couch watching some telly-when I went to the sport channels hoping to catch a little tennis action (which by the way there was none) and I end up watching women's beach volleyball. Now I've never watched volleyball on tv-I just play it. But since there was nothing to do I just kept it on that channel. And I've gotta say, where has this sport been all my life?! Goddamn..its seriously like the perfect sport..you've got hotties in bikinis, jumping up and down..need I say more? *sigh* I think I've just found my new favorite sport. Soccer has now taken the back seat. mmmm...those yummy volleyball players. Hey I just had a thought, what if for one episode of the L Word, the cast goes to the beach and plays a little volleyball? Kinda like that one scene in Top Gun where all the guys are playing in slo-mo..that'd be hot..no not the guys..the girls. I mean come on imagine Alice on the beach in a bikini...mmm. Oh and hey! These girls live in Cali. They should go to the beach more often! I mean I think there was like one scene in season 1 when they were all walking down like the boardwalk of something...lol I sound all pervy-it could just be that I'm drunk again. That's bad. I can't keep missing class, or work for that matter 'cause me and my girlfriend are now moving into a new place and I need the moolah. It's seriously like our dream house..but I guess its more of a loft/condo kind of thing. Man these last couple of years of saving our money are sooo worth it. lol but now we have to worry about furnishing the place *eek!* anyways I found a couple of pictures to convert u to beach volleyball..
posted by Paradox @ 7:49 PM
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