not so much mayhem..
Wednesday, October 04, 2006 |
So this has been a pretty boring week. In the sense that all I've done is do homework and go to school. Wow I've become so boring. Blah. But tonight that changes! The roommates are taking me and wifey out on a night on the town as a sort of last hurrah before we move out. I cannot wait!! It's gonna be AWESOME!
In other news: I have been on a mission to complete Dach's Things To Do In An Elevator List. So far I have done #'s 11 and 50. And let me tell ya. It is entertaining as hell! I highly recommend it. And Dach just told me to do #3 tonight. So we'll see how it goes. Well I must be off...
posted by Paradox @ 12:46 PM
3 of them bitches said: |
thats so cool. but if i put im rick james bitch i doubt my name would show up. i love the elevator thing u are doing. i have to them one day.
*cough* Photoshop ho *cough* I mean, wow... That's amazing!
haha actually i didn't use any photo editting software. just took a screen shot...no lies
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thats so cool. but if i put im rick james bitch i doubt my name would show up. i love the elevator thing u are doing. i have to them one day.