Word of the Day: Bewitching
Why yes...that's right I've gone and changed my blog again. I was getting mighty tired of the old one..It was...too..plain. Yes too plain. I get bored with those things quite easily.As you can obviously see...wow heehee I even added a lil' eyecandy in the form of "The Hottie of the Week"..because we all know that I love finding pictures of hot women..Wow I spent quite a bit of time on this biatch..Sheesh..I have no life. Well actually not quite true. I have a life..except for school and work. And well lets face it, any great procrastinator always find something else to be doing. And I have found my one thing to keep me busy...you know besides Youtube and Skype..and that wonderful thing would be blogger..I think I've spent about..hmm 5 hours (not consecutive ones) on blogger. Now I don't mean that I've been tinkering around with my blog, I've actually been around on other people's blogs. I've gotta say, I've read some pretty compelling stuff. I came across the blog of a friend who's spending the next 6 months in Guatemala, and it's crazy how these things can be an outlet for all of your feelings..And I've come across other blogs where people are just ranting about their jobs and their bosses. Haha it's actually quite funny..I Love It! Arg I really should stop procrastinating..I have two tests coming up..and I know absolutely nothing. They're both on 6 chapters and I know two..thats my total - fucking hell. I've got to get my shit together. But I can't seem to bring myself to sit down and actually study..Hmm Maybe I've absorbed some information when I've gone to class..I doubt it. I'm always chatting or playing games..or blogging, when I should be taking notes..Oh well. At least I'm passing..actually I'm doing pretty good in school for not actually caring. I think I have like...90s in 2 of my courses and somewhere in between 77%-89% in the rest of 'em. But I have go to stop using that as a crutch...I mean I have to know this shizzle if I wanna get my Bachelor's. *sigh* Ok...I'm going to attempt to study some more. But I'm prolly just gonna fall asleep...as I always do :P anyways..hope the new blog layout isn't too weird...and if it is..deal with it..
I knew it wouldn't long for your blog to distract you again! Pffft honestly, I leave you to study and look what happens.. you disGRACE! Yeah *ahem* I should probably go do that lab now...