what the F?...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 |
word of the day: wounded
Remember my awesome day?...Apparently I've done something to upset someone. Maybe my karmic flow is out of whack.. Or perhaps I've angered the gay gods. Well whatever it is, it has to stop before it gets out of hand. *sigh* It all started two days ago...I was talking to someone on skype, when I started feeling really dizzy. So I went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face, and bam - that's all I remember. Next thing I knew I was in the ER, thanks to Chris (aka: wifey) finding me dragging my ass to the hospital. Ugh, let me tell you something, I freakin' HATE hospitals. They are horrible. Every time I step into one, chills run down my spine...and ugh. Well moving on, a couple hours later, I have a doctor step into my little 'room' thing and ask me questions about my physical activities. Now I'm still a little groggy so I had Chris answering most of them for me..*sigh* lucky I had her in there with me. Anyways..the doctor moved on to the more interesting questions, "Are you sexually active?" and so I reply yes (duh!) an he goes on to ask, "Do you practice safe?" And Chris gives me this look, and she says "Well we've both been tested and I'm a little low on the sperm.." The look on the doctor's face, priceless. I think that was the only good thing that came out of this. Because there is very little. Lets do an injury count so far., Injuries:
- second degree ankle sprain
- mild concussion
Don't even ask how I got the first one. Moving on. The doctors are still trying to find out what the hell is wrong with me. They've ruled it down to a couple of things, but they believe that it is Vasovagal Syncope:
Features People with vasovagal syncope typically have recurrent episodes, usually when exposed to a specific trigger. The initial episode often occurs when the person is a teenager, then recurs in clusters throughout his or her life. Prior to losing consciousness, the individual frequently experiences a prodrome of symptoms such as lightheadedness,nausea, sweating, ringing in the ears, and visual disturbances. These last for at least a few seconds before consciousness is lost, which typically happens when the person is sitting up or standing. When they pass out, they fall down; and when in this position, effective blood flow to the brain is immediately restored, allowing the person to wake up. Unfortunately, the autonomic nervous system's physiologic state (see below) leading to loss of consciousness may persist for several minutes, so: - if the person tries to sit or stand when they wake up, they may pass out again; and
- the person may be nauseous, pale, and sweaty for several minutes after they wake up.
And now its apparently connected to my heart in some way...arg. And now I'm on different meds and what-not. Ick. I hate drugs..Anyways I feel as if my rant was sufficient enough. I think I'll post again later when I'm in a better mood... laters, --Paradox |
posted by Paradox @ 10:09 AM
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