Saturday, October 07, 2006 |
...yeah i don't have much to talk about...deal with it lol
TEN FIRSTS First Best Friend: Nadia First Screen Name: Q-T...lol First Pet: Niko the best dog ever! First Piercing: my ears First Tears Cried over a boy: never? First CD: um. I don't really remember..its was probably like Michael Jackson First Car: Honda Accord First Stuffed animal: a cute dog...thing haha
NINE LASTS : Last Alchoholic Beverage: um a beer i believe Last Car ride: um last night from the airport..because i get to use a motorcycle!! muahaha Last Movie Seen: i dunno..Black Dahlia Theatre: um the play Amadeus.. Last Phone Call: Kate Last Song Played: Your Heart is an Empty Room - Death Cab for Cutie Last Bubble Bath: probably about a month ago Last time you Cried: um i don't remember
EIGHT HAVE YOU EVERS : Have you ever dated one of your best friends: yes Have you ever been arrested: yes..once...let us never speak of it again Have you ever swam in the moonlight: yeah...best night of my life Have you ever been on tv: yes when i was younger Have you ever kissed someone, and then regreted it: nope Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: yes..duh! Have you ever had a sex dream about someone: yes
SEVEN THINGS YOU ARE WEARING : 1. shorts 2. black wife-beater 3. ring 4. necklace 5. 6. 7.
SIX THINGS YOU'VE DONE TODAY : 1. drove a motorcycle 2. went running 3. went on skype 4. went to breakfast with old friends 5. had a beer 6. uploaded my fergie booty pictures
FIVE FAVORITE THINGS IN NO ORDER : 1. drinking 2. music 3. women 4. booty 5. motorcycles
FOUR PEOPLE YOU CAN TELL ANYTHING TO : 1. Christine 2. Melanie 3. Jamie 4. Tyler
THREE CHOICES : Black or White: black Hot or Cold: hot Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
TWO THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE : 1. get my motorcycle 2. touch j.b's booty
ONE THING YOU REGRET: 1. being far away from my brother
--Paradox |
posted by Paradox @ 1:17 PM
4 of them bitches said: |
Wow, that's a lot of clothes for you! I always say less is more tbh ;D
Arrested ehh?!! I wonder what that was for?...
im sure u would like me in less clothes ;)
and no one will ever know what i was arrested for...
Well I'm half there, I just need to tease out wot exactly u were doin wen they caught u. I have my theories.
well you'll have to stick to your theories..cause I'll never tell :P
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Wow, that's a lot of clothes for you! I always say less is more tbh ;D
Arrested ehh?!! I wonder what that was for?...