That was pretty much my friday night..drinking, dancing, debauchery..ah the three wonderful D's. Now this week was pretty much back to school week. And I decided that me and my girlfriend needed a treat so we went to the gay bar to unwind and what-not. But it ended up being this huge thing where my girlfriend called up some friends-who in turn called up their friends and we pretty much had this big group at the bar getting hella drunk and partying it up. I don't even think I can remember how much alcohol I consumed last night 'cause one of our friends kept buying shots for the group..now I can hold my alcohol..but last night I was completely wasted. I think the fact that started drinking at like 7 contributed to that.
But anyways, at some point during the night, me and my girlfriend were on the dancefloor and I saw this woman drinking at the bar and she looke soo familiar. And I was just thinkin' "who the hell is that?" I couldn't figure out who it was for like a couple minutes until it hit me. It was my Law PROFFESSOR! I shit you not..I mean I couldn't believe it so I tell my girlfriend this and she tells me to just walk up and talk to her. Now at this point I was pretty liquored up so all inhibitions aside I go up to her and I don't remember what I said. But she had this like look on her face that said 'busted!' haha I can't believe she remembered who I was (which was creepy) 'cause the class is pretty huge..and yeah I can't really recall what happened after that. All I know is that this morning our apartment had like 10 girls passed out everywhere (the balcony, kitchen table, bathtub..even some in the hallway) and me and my girlfriend waking up on the floor of our bedroom, the bed completely unslept in. To which I ask the question..why am I blogging right now? Anyways I'm gonna go pick up some brunch...'cuz I got an apartment full of girls with a bad case of the munchies...