naughty lil' procrastinator..
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 |
Word of the day: Formidablepro·cras·ti·nate
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. v.tr. To postpone or delay needlessly. procrastination pro·cras'ti·na'tion n. procrastinator pro·cras'ti·na'tor n.
Why yes..yes I am a procrastinator. A hardcore procrastinator. *sigh* The part that sucks is that I know I'm procrastinating, and yet I can't bring myself to do the easiest of tasks. The state of my room is atrocious. I mean I've got a couple bottles of beer strewn about, laundry that needs to be put away and a hell of a lot of documents that need to get filed. Now I can probably clean up my room in hmm an hour. But yet I find every excuse under the sun to not do it. But today, I'm going to change. Yep. That's right. Because I now realize I really don't have an excuse to do all of the things I need to get done. I mean I have school 4 hours everyday, thats more than enough time to do homework, do chores and whatnot. So first thing on my to-do list is to get this room cleaned up. And by my next post it shall be done!
--Paradox |
posted by Paradox @ 8:28 AM
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