its hump day!..
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 |
word of the day: Hottie
Which means we have a new hottie of the week!! Brenda Costa...click on her picture for her bio..and more. Anyways..today I had my first final. And I kicked ass. Oh yeah!! Moving on..I've taken a liking to this new game on the forums its called Corrupt-A-Wish and it's been one of the funniest games to play. Me and fellow kelkians Tin Soldieress and Dacharmedone have been going back and forth with responses..I'll give you a sneak peek at what goes on:
Tin Soldieress: "I wish I had some cotton candy."
Dacharmedone: "Wish is granted. but the cotton candy is made out of real cotton and bugs are in it. And you choke on them but some are still inside of you. And they make babies and they crawl out of you. and you become bug lady."
"i wish that i pass my finals"
Paradox: "Wish is granted...but your last final is being written on a day that Leisha comes to visit your school, and you can't reschedule the final..and if you skip it you fail the entire course..and can't make it up."
"I wish for a private jet"
Tin Soldieress: "Your wish is granted. You get your very own private jet, fully staffed with a bar and leather seats. But just as you reach five thousand feet you hit a bunch of turbulence and the plane starts falling apart and you plummet to the earth right into the ocean. Miraculously you survive and managed to use one of the floating pieces from the plane as a raft. Unfortunately you were cut in the crash and sharks start to circle your raft biting at your toes which you can't keep on the raft because it's too small and then it gets dark and a hurricane comes in and you are forever lost at sea, never to be seen nor heard from again."
"I wish I had a bunny rabbit."
Paradox: "Your wish is granted. Unfortunately your rabbit goes psycho on you, biting and gnawing on your flesh. And you hit it upside the head and knock it out cold. At first you bandage it up, and go on your merry way. But then the bunny wakes from its slumber and attacks you in a blind rage making you its bitch. Finally you get it off of you and call animal control to get that crazy animal away from you, when one of them informs you that the bunny had rabies. So now you have to get the vaccine..and ur all injured. Putting you off bunnies for life."
"I wish for a new laptop."
Dacharmedone: "Wish granted. so u got ur new laptop and u are happy until it freezes right in the middle of a kelka podcast. This podcast is so good that they are revealing everything and they posted a picture them on the forum. but you cant see it because your laptop is broken. Plus when you leave your house to go and fix it, Fergie car broke down in front of your house. But You are not there because You are at the computer place. Fergie was wearing a bikini and you missed it. You came back and found out what happened. oh well"
"i wish for a skype convention."
sometime later...
Tin Solderiess: "I wish college was free."
Paradox: "Your wish is granted. But, in order for college to be free, your courses have to be taught by completely incompetent and biased teachers. Making your college experience horrible...and very unpleasant. Oh and the college of your choosing is overrun by Republicans..yikes"
posted by Paradox @ 2:29 PM
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