word of the day: crazy
So it's back to school...*sigh* it sucks. I'm back in school..the twist..it's in the homeland. A school I went to for a couple years.. Being back is crazy, I've been seeing people I've known for years. But this is not what my post is about today. Today I'm going to be talking about the craziness of the people who go to this particular school. Now lately I've been noticing that there are a lot of homos..especially in all of my classes. Everywhere I go, my gaydar is going off like nobody's business..crazy. But here's the crazy part. A couple days ago I got into an argument with some homo hating hetero which outted me (ok what is it with me getting outted when classes are just starting out) and since that day, I've been getting a lot of attention from the female population. And by a lot..I mean A LOT. In class, I get hit on constantly..now I'm not complaining..I'm just wondering where the fuck these girls are coming from...and why are they hitting on me? I mean I know I'm a sexy bitch..but come on..this is caraazay! lol ok I must be off..
um ... yea ... hard life! lol!
i want a bimbo bar!