Soo...its Monday morning..and I am stuck in is way too early for this..*Sigh* I need to learn to sleep more. This weekend I got about 8 hours of sleep. Eeeek lol. Anyways not too much has been happening. This weekend I went to a couple workshops for drumming and guitar. I learned a lot of cool stuff and met some cool people. I think it kind of rekindled my love for music..writing..playing..its all coming back. Aaaand moving on. I've been super busy with school lately *sigh* I hate it. My course load has been stressing me out..I've got 6 classes..which means 6 tests..all coming up at the same time. And I've got all these fucking projects due.. Which is just caraaazay. But hey, check me out...sitting watching a movie in class.. blogging.. I fucking LOVE slacking off!
P.S - Al and Tin..glad u guys are blogging again... ..oh and i changed up the layout on the Three Amigos Blog...its pretty
Hi's been a while..I know you think that I've been neglecting you, but that's far from the truth. Its just that, I've needed some me time. No's not you - its me. Really, you haven't done anything wrong. I just think that we need to re-evaluate our relationship. No..there's no one else. I've just shifted my time to know people who interact with you. Hey! Don't say anything you'll regret. You know that I still care...and I'm still here. It's just that I won't be around as much as I was..back in the beginning of our relationship. Wait..please..don't cry. Don't get emotional. This isn't a goodbye...its more of a...a...ok wait. Why am I explaining myself? silly silly one wants to read lets talk about something interesting shall we?..
Post Pt. 2
Why hello there!...This is the more..I would say sober version of a blog post...but I wasn't drunk when I typed up that first excuse gets thrown out the window...anyways...I feel like I should update you on things - you know, tell you whats new.. erm..well I'm at school right now..surprise surprise. Chillin in my marketing class..which I have to say is KICKASS..ok we've been watching commercials and analysing them. And I gotta marketing prof is a genius! We don't watch like..boring commercials about..i dunno..chia pets..but we watch commercials that are HOT! Like we just watched some commercial with girls dirty dancing and then we watched more with girls making out and all that good stuff...I love my college....and GODAMN! Mila Jovovich is on the screen..fucking I have to go to my next class...*sigh*...but do not fret loyal readers...although there's only of shall post again..sometime soon...
So it's back to school...*sigh* it sucks. I'm back in school..the's in the homeland. A school I went to for a couple years.. Being back is crazy, I've been seeing people I've known for years. But this is not what my post is about today. Today I'm going to be talking about the craziness of the people who go to this particular school. Now lately I've been noticing that there are a lot of homos..especially in all of my classes. Everywhere I go, my gaydar is going off like nobody's business..crazy. But here's the crazy part. A couple days ago I got into an argument with some homo hating hetero which outted me (ok what is it with me getting outted when classes are just starting out) and since that day, I've been getting a lot of attention from the female population. And by a lot..I mean A LOT. In class, I get hit on I'm not complaining..I'm just wondering where the fuck these girls are coming from...and why are they hitting on me? I mean I know I'm a sexy bitch..but come on..this is caraazay! lol ok I must be off..
do I exert the gay vibe? because i went to class...and sat down at the only chair left...a purple computer chair...amidst brown plastic funny
so it's time to go back to school. aaand let me say..fucking ew. ugh. I have 8 o'clock classes..which means having to drag my lazy ass outta bed and beat the morning traffic..because my college is so conveniently located near downtown...ick. oh and i just found out that i woke up sooo fucking early in vain. my first class was cancelled. yaaay...which means im off to find the student lounge and fall asleep somewhere..after this blog post.
soo anyways..L word premier last night. and let me say..I definitely needed it. I can't believe how much I missed the leisha and rachel...and even the daniela..hell i even missed jenny's kinky ass. ooh and seeing marina again. that was awesome...ok..i'm gonna get up on outta here..