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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
wow...i just realized i have waaay to much time on my hands. Have you seen the number of posts i've had? I've only been blogging since the 31st of august! Well technically thats not true..I've been blogging longer than that...but the fuck-face-who-shall-not-be-named fucked up every single internet account I've made. Ugh i do not want to talk about him.

hmmm what shall I post about today? Well I guess i should get you up to speed about what's going on with me..weell i've finally decided to actually make an effort at school *say what?!* because i realized that I'm paying for it so i might as well make it worth my while...and when i actually do go back..I find out i have 4 fucking tests!! but for some reason I'm doing suprisingly well in all of them.

Anyways...today me and wifey went furniture shopping for the new place..which is like the second time this week and we've finally narrowed down our choices for the living room:

I like 'em..what do you think? And on to other things..one of my roommate's bought a motorcycle..and holy crap its sexy. mmm I miss the days of when I had a motorcycle. *sigh* anyways im gonna stop boring u, but before I do..this is for my s.b...



posted by Paradox @ 2:41 PM   2 of them bitches said what?
Cause i have nothing better to do...
Monday, September 25, 2006
Bold the items that apply to you:

I hate my name; I am shorter than 5'4; I have
long hair; I have many scars; I tan easily; I wish my
hair was a different color; I have friends who have never seen
my natural hair color; I have a tattoo; I am self-conscious
about my appearance; I have/I've had braces; I wear
glasses or contact lenses; I would get plastic surgery if it
were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free; I have more than
2 piercing; I have piercings in places besides my ears; I have
freckles; I'm paranoid at times; I'm a pretty good dancer(i think lol);
I don't really hate anyone.

I've sworn at my parents; I've run away
from home; I've been kicked out of the house; My biological
parents are together; I have a sibling less than one year old; I
have at least one brother and/or sister; I have a twin; I
want lots of kids someday; I've had children; I've lost a child.

I'm in school; I have a job; I've fallen
asleep at work/school; I almost always do my homework;
I've missed a week or more of school;I've been on the
Honor Roll within the last 2 years; I failed more than 1 class
last year; I've stolen something from my job; I've been fired;
I've skipped school.

EMBARESSMENT: I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken
conversation; Disney movies still make me cry; I've
laughed so hard I've cried; I've glued my hand to something;
I've had my pants rip in public; I'm completely
embarrassed to be seen with my mother.

HEALTH: I was born with a disease/impairment; I've gotten
stitches; I've broken a bone; I've had my tonsils removed;
I've sat in a doctors office with a friend; I've had my wisdom teeth
removed; I had a serious surgery; I've had chicken pox.

TRAVELING: I've been on a plane; I've been to Canada;
I've been to Mexico; I've been to Niagara Falls; I've been to
Japan; I've been to Brazil; I've been to Australia
Europe; I've been to Africa; I've been to Peru;
I've been to Amsterdam; I've been to India; I've been to Argentina;
I've been to Greece; I've been to Jamaica.

I've gotten lost in my city; I've seen a
shooting star; I've wished on a shooting star; I've seen a
meteor shower; I've gone out in public in my pajamas;
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator; I got stuck in an
elevator; I've kicked a guy where it hurts; I've been to a
casino; I've been skydiving; I've been an abuse victim; I have
worn fake hair/nails/eyelashes in the past; I've gone skinny
dipping; I've played spin the bottle; I've drank a whole
gallon of milk in one hour; I've crashed a car; I've been skiing;
I've been in a play; I have changed a diaper before; I've
met someone in person from the internet; I've caught a
snowflake on my tongue; I've seen the Northern Lights; I've
sat on a roof top at night; I've played a prank on someone;
I've ridden in a taxi; I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture
Show; I've eaten Sushi; I've been snowboarding.

I like someone right now; I'm single; I'm
in a relationship; I'm engaged; I'm married; I have never been in a
real relationship before; I've had someone cheat on me; I've gone
on a blind date; I’ve rejected someone before; I've been
dumpee more than the dumper; I miss someone right now;
I have a fear of commitment; I have a fear of abandonment;
I've gotten divorced; I've had feelings for someone who didn't
have them back; I've told someone I loved them when I
didn't; I've told someone I didn't love them when I did;
I've told someone I didn't like them when I did; I've kept
something from a past relationship; I have dated a close
friend's ex.

I am straight; I am gay; I am bi; I'm not sure;
I've kissed a male(FYI I was DRUNK and he kissed me yuck!);
I've had sex with a male; I've had sex with a female
I've had a crush on a teacher; I've been kissed in
the rain; I've been kissed in the snow; I've hugged a stranger;
I am very shy around the opposite sex sometimes.

I am a terrible liar; I've done something I
promised someone else I wouldn't; I've done something I
promised myself I wouldn't; I've snuck out of my house; I
have lied to my parents about where I am; I am keeping a
secret from the world; I've cheated while playing a game;
I've run a red light; I've been suspended from school; I've
witnessed a crime; I've been arrested.

I've consumed alcohol; I regularly
drink; I've passed out from drinking; I have passed out drunk at
least once in the past 6 months; I've taken painkillers when I
didn't need them;I've done pot; I'm a stoner; I've snorted cocaine; I've eaten
shrooms; I've popped E(no comment); I've inhaled Nitrous; I've done hard drugs(no comment);
I have cough drops when I'm not sick; I can't swallow pills;
I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem; I have
been diagnosed with clinical depression; I shut others out when
I'm depressed; I have taken anti-depressants; I've slept an entire
day when I didn't need it; I've hurt myself on purpose; I'm
addicted to self harm; I've woken up crying; I've cried myself to
sleep; I've seen a therapist.

I'm afraid of dying; I hate funerals;
I've seen someone dying; Someone close to me has
attempted suicide; Someone close to me has committed
suicide; I've planned my own suicide; I've attempted suicide; I've
written a eulogy for myself.

I love to shop; I own over 5 rap Cds;
I own an iPod or MP3 player; I have an unhealthy obsession with
anime/manga;I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100
a piece; I own some thing from Hot Topic; I own something from
Pac Sun; I collect comic books; I own something from The
Gap; I own something I got on e-bay.

In general, I don't like
people; I'm a feminist; I'm outgoing; I listen to political
music; I'm Democratic; I'm Republican; I'm Liberal; I don't like
Bush; I don't like Bush with my own reasons to back it up; I am
for Bush; I am religious; I dress fairly modestly; My
attitude is, "If you've got it, flaunt it."

I can sing well; I've stolen a tray from a fast food
restaurant; I open up to others easily; I watch the news; I
don't kill bugs; I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for
the sake of being able to rhyme; I curse regularly; I sing in
the shower; I am a morning person; I've lied on my
back and watched cloud shapes go by; I paid for my cell
phone ringtone; I'm a snob about grammar; I've made a
snow angel; I am a sports fanatic; I twirl my hair; I
have "x"s in my screen name; I love being neat; I love
Spam; I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day; I've been
obsessed with post-it notes; I'm not allergic to anything
deadly; I bake well; I've sang karaoke; My favorite
color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue; I would wear
pajamas to school; I like Martha Stewart; I know how to
shoot a gun; I enjoy some country music; I am in love with
love; I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS; I laugh at my own jokes;
I eat fast food weekly; I own lots of books; I'm
always up & having fun no matter how much sugar I have;
I believe in ghosts; I am scared to watch scary movies
alone; I am online 24/7, even as an away message; I've
not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class; I
can't sleep if there is a spider in the room; I am really
ticklish; I have a cell phone; I love white chocolate; I love
drama; I play video games; I'm good at remembering faces;
I'm good at remembering names; I'm good at remembering dates
of the week; I've hated my life; I have no idea what I want to do
for the rest of my life.

P.S Strepthroat is a motherfucker.


posted by Paradox @ 8:37 AM   2 of them bitches said what?
not much to say...
Sunday, September 24, 2006
well this weekend has certainly been interesting. i saw old friends and visited my parents...visiting my friends was the highlight...among other things...but the parents...ooooh the parents..can u believe they actually dragged me to church? Actually they conned me into going. Ugh. And the worst part is that they volunteered me into playing drums for the worship service. eeeeeeeeek! parents.. and a couple of hours ago my mother asked me about grandchildren. wtf! And thats why i hate coming back home..*sigh* i was supposed to be driving back home right now...but i postponed it for a certain someone..but it is all good. because this bed is super comfy..i wanna take it back home with me haha..anyways..i found this little gem on the internet that made me smile..and i think my s.b. will know why...laters,

posted by Paradox @ 10:10 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
back home...
Friday, September 22, 2006
Well. I'm back. yuck. Back in the homeland. ugh. The praries. ew. Where the weather is horrible. And the girls taste like corn. lol. Soo yep back home. Where my past lives...and also the parentals. *sigh* Not to mention the drive over was such a bitch. Oh well. Anyways...we went to the concert last night. Oooh Mariah Carey. Now at first I thought I was gonna have to bring the ear plugs but it actually turned out to be a pretty good show. And let me tell ya. Our seats - AWESOME! We got to go into this like VIP room thing -- there was like couches, food and the best part.. ALCOHOL!! Oh yeah. They busted out the champagne and beer...then someone brought in like loads of alcohol..mmm mmm good. Let me tell ya, if you want the hook-up...befriend radio personalities. Cuz damn u get hoooooked up. lol. Anyways...there was some good music and Mariah's dj played alot of oldschool tracks and our whole group was just having an awesome time dancing and drinking. um...yeeeeah. lol. So what do u think of the new layout? lol this is what i do when I'm bored and am stuck at Starbucks with nothing to do.

Anyways here's a pic of Mariah from last night..excuse the crappiness of the picture..the digi cam I used was pretty shoddy.

Oh aaand i actually caught my s.b. online today!! Picture me happy..


posted by Paradox @ 5:18 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
where are my travelling pants?...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Well we're off to another province to see a concert. Now why another province? Another city 12 hours away just for a concert? Well because a friend got her reaaaally good seats - for free. But it looks like I'm gonna be the one driving *sigh* the things I do for love. But ugh the worst part is that we're gonna have to see our parents. Over the weekend. Which means that we are gonna get dragged to church. Booooooooo. Yuck. But hey I get to see my old football team (aka soccer team) and we're gonna meet up and play on Friday. So I'm happpppy! But on another note. My snuggle-bunny is now en-route to University. Ack! I can't last this long without talking to her!!! Unbearable I tell ya. Unbearable. Anyways I must be off. I have a long night ahead of me. So I now leave a msg for my s.b. hopefully she reads this...


posted by Paradox @ 10:14 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
For Tin...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Better watch out for those spiders...
posted by Paradox @ 1:38 PM   0 of them bitches said what?
For Dach...
Monday, September 18, 2006


posted by Paradox @ 9:44 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
So I'm inlaw..all I can say is Bullshit. This is all bullshit. All the fuckers in this class are assholes. I'm sitting here listening to them argue about same-sex marriage-and I'm getting angrier and angrier. I'm stuck in a fucking room filled with a bunch of fucking assholes. Their arguements are absolutely stupid! Fuck them! this is all bullshit. Can u tell I'm mad?! ugh. I'm walking out.


posted by Paradox @ 2:08 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
random things....
Saturday, September 16, 2006
100 Yes's or No's

1. Taken a picture naked? um..yes..
2. Taken a shower with someone? yes lol
3. Made out with a member of the same sex? yes..duh
4. Drove a car? yes
5. Stolen anything? yes
6. Liked someone? yes
7. Been dumped? No
8. Stolen money from a friend? never
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met? yes
10. Been in a fist fight? yes haha drunken fist fights lol
11. Snuck out of your/someones house? yes
12. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? yes
13. Been arrested? yes
14. Hugged a stranger? yes..but they're shirt said "hug me"
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? yea
16. Left your house with out telling your parents? yes
17. Had a crush on your neighbour? no
18. Ditched school to do something more fun? yes
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yes everynight bitches!
20. Lost a friend? yes
21. Been on a plane? yes
22. Been to an island? yes
23. Slept in until 3? yes
24. Love someone or miss someone right now? yes
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yes
26. Made a snow angel? yes
27. Played dress up? yes
28. Cheated while playing a game? yes
29. Been lonely? yes
30. Kissed more than 4 people in one night? yes
31. Been to a club? yes
32. Felt an earthquake? yes
33. Touched a snake? yes
34. Ran a red light? yes
35. Been suspended from school? yes
36. Had detention? yes
37. Been in a car accident? no
38. Hated the way you look? yes
39. Made yourself throw up? no
40. Crawled through a window? yes
41. Been lost? yes
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? yeah
43. Felt like dying? yes
44. Cried yourself to sleep? no
46. Sang karaoke? yes
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? haha yes
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? no
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yeah
50. Kissed in the rain? yes
51. Sang in the shower? yes
52. Made love in a park? made love? haha..yes
53. Had a dream that you had married someone? yes
54. Glued your hand to something? yes
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? yes
56. Ever gone to school partially naked? what do you mean by partially naked?
57. Thought About Being a cheerleader? no..thought about getting it on with one..lol
58. Thought about being the team mascot? no
59. Didn't take a shower for a week? no
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? no
61. Played chicken? yes
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? yes
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? yes
64. Broken a bone? yes
65. Been easily amused? yes
66. Laugh so hard you cried? yes
67. Mooned/flashed someone? yes
68. Cheated on a test? haha
69. Forgotten someone's name? yes
70. Slept naked? yes..who hasn't?
71. Done something dumb in front of your crush? sure
73. Blacked out from drinking? yes
74. Played a prank on someone? yes
75. Gone to a late night movie? yeah
76. Made love to anything not human? No..lol is this a dildo question?
77. Failed a class? no
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? no
79. Done acid? yes
80. Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
81. Do you celebrate the 4th of July? lol not in Canada
82. Thrown strange objects? yes..haha
83. Felt like killing someone? yes james *cough cough*
84. Thought about running away? yes
85. Ran away? no
86. Got a piercing? yes
87. Cut your own hair? no
89. Made a parent cry? yeah
90. Cried over someone? yes
91. Owned more than 5 sharpies? yes
92. Dated someone (same person) more than once? yes
93. Had/Have a dog? yes my lil' Roscoe
96. Been in a band? yes..
97. Drank 25 sodas in a day? no ew!
98. Broken a CD? yeah
99. Shot a gun? yes
100. Wanted someone but could never have them? yes

For Cat aka Snuggle Bunny...

posted by Paradox @ 5:45 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
For Alyson...


posted by Paradox @ 1:47 PM   0 of them bitches said what?
shh its a surprise..

Happy birthday wifey!

and no she doesn't read my blog lol.


posted by Paradox @ 12:50 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
thats what I get...
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sooo last night I was wasted. And by wasted I mean WASTED. My girlfriend came home to find me passed out on the floor amidst a sea of empty beer cans. And to top it off I had two tests this morning. Which I pretty sure I bombed-considering I could hardly see the words on the paper. Ok thats it. No more drinking..till saturday at least-because it's my girlfriends birthday. So yeah. I pretty much skipped the rest of school after those tests and went back to bed. And here I am now, procrastinating, ugh I have so much homework..fuck!


posted by Paradox @ 2:11 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
yes we went to the zoo..
Wednesday, September 13, 2006



posted by Paradox @ 5:05 PM   1 of them bitches said what?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Medic!! Ugh..so me and wifey just got back from the hospital. And apparently I've injured my shoulder to the point where I have to use a sling. ::blah:: Which sucks big time..but hey it's all good now. They gave me some painkillers and I'm ok. But I'm not too sure how I'm gonna pull off the Zoo thing tommorow. haha. But all I wanna know is how and when the hell did I injure my shoulder?! That question has been bugging me like hell! Because well..I haven't really been doing alot of physically demanding activities that require a whole lotta use of my shoulder..I mean I swam some laps last night..and my shoulder was fine so I'm guessing I hurt it from the time I was skyping at a friend's house-to this afternoon when I really noticed the pain while picking up a backpack. lol I have got to stop drinking...


posted by Paradox @ 9:17 AM   0 of them bitches said what?
in dire need of an icepack...
Monday, September 11, 2006

Yes thats right. My roommate took that picture the second time I passed out last night (why does my hair look super dark?). That's what I get for drinking and Skyping...

Ah Skype..the cause of last night's fun. Where shall I start? Well lets see I logged onto Skype while I was at work and started chatting with one of the girls, you know just trying to pass the time..(and I was with all the work I needed to get done) and before I knew it someone changed the topic to LESBIAN 101. Now the office was relatively empty so I didn't really pay attention to anything but the chat..and that effing hot picture of Carmen doing her lapdance. That was until I heard someone clear their throat behind me...and I turn around to see my boss quickly avert his eyes from my screen to the stack of papers in his hand. Busted. He doesn't really say anything to me, he just goes to his office in a hurry and talks to some other person-and points at me. Now at first I think maybe I'm in the clear because he didn't mention anything to me, but then I get a PM from him, asking me to meet him in his office. And I'm just like "oh FUCK!!" so I go into his office..trying to come up with some excuse, and he gets straight to the point and asks me what I was doing on my computer.-Now I am not ready to admit anything so I ask him what he meant. He then tells me he saw LESBIAN 101 on the screen but not anything else. And I pretty much made up some bullshit about how I was doing research for GLBT rights and blah blah blah lol. I'm not sure he believed me but hey he had no proof so what could he do? hmm well I would type out what happened the rest of the night but I can hardly remember a thing..except that I hit my head on the table. I gotta find the chat log from last night...


posted by Paradox @ 5:33 PM   2 of them bitches said what?
Don't play with fire kids!..
Saturday, September 09, 2006

haha that dude's a dumbass..

soo-after two days of drunkeness, I'm finally sober and hangover free. Well anyways...yesterday me and my girlfriend decided to play hooky from work (I wasn't about to show up drunk lol) and after alot of R&R, we ended up doing a lot of packing, due to the fact that we're moving outta here soon. And as we were rifling through our shit, we found all these old relics of our past..albums full of pictures of me and her, ticket stubs to movies we've seen, old mix tapes we'd made for eachother-talk about a walk down memory lane. It's hard to believe that I've been in a relationship for 4 years...wow thats crazy. But not crazy in a bad way...it's just pretty unfrigginbelievable that I could be so happy all that time..lol I sound so cheesy...anyways I should log off and do something productive...


posted by Paradox @ 9:55 PM   0 of them bitches said what?
still drunk...

That was pretty much my friday night..drinking, dancing, debauchery..ah the three wonderful D's. Now this week was pretty much back to school week. And I decided that me and my girlfriend needed a treat so we went to the gay bar to unwind and what-not. But it ended up being this huge thing where my girlfriend called up some friends-who in turn called up their friends and we pretty much had this big group at the bar getting hella drunk and partying it up. I don't even think I can remember how much alcohol I consumed last night 'cause one of our friends kept buying shots for the group..now I can hold my alcohol..but last night I was completely wasted. I think the fact that started drinking at like 7 contributed to that.

But anyways, at some point during the night, me and my girlfriend were on the dancefloor and I saw this woman drinking at the bar and she looke soo familiar. And I was just thinkin' "who the hell is that?" I couldn't figure out who it was for like a couple minutes until it hit me. It was my Law PROFFESSOR! I shit you not..I mean I couldn't believe it so I tell my girlfriend this and she tells me to just walk up and talk to her. Now at this point I was pretty liquored up so all inhibitions aside I go up to her and I don't remember what I said. But she had this like look on her face that said 'busted!' haha I can't believe she remembered who I was (which was creepy) 'cause the class is pretty huge..and yeah I can't really recall what happened after that. All I know is that this morning our apartment had like 10 girls passed out everywhere (the balcony, kitchen table, bathtub..even some in the hallway) and me and my girlfriend waking up on the floor of our bedroom, the bed completely unslept in. To which I ask the question..why am I blogging right now? Anyways I'm gonna go pick up some brunch...'cuz I got an apartment full of girls with a bad case of the munchies...


posted by Paradox @ 11:23 AM   0 of them bitches said what?
Friday, September 08, 2006
Today I went back to school after much convincing by my gf to get outta bed. I have gotta cut down on my drinking (haha). So I'm pretty much in the longest class ever and I decide to sign on to skype..and proceed to have some interesting conversations (thanks Dach!) which helped me get through the day. Which was awesome because me and my girlfriend got to spend some much needed time with eachother. But that was cut short because of fucking homework! I hate school..arg! Ugh--so today in law, our teacher was asking us if any of us had been involved in human rights violations. And I raised my hand (duh)..along with like 2 other people without thinking..cuz I mean there are three of us and she'll naturally ask for our examples..which would mean that I would basically have to come out to a room full of strangers..not that I have a problem with that...but it'd make things a a little awkward with the Bible thumpers who seem to be scattered throughout the class--but then she broadens the question and basically everyone's hands are in the air which saves me from all of that..but hey when the time comes....I'll step up.
damn this post was boring....


posted by Paradox @ 5:44 PM   0 of them bitches said what?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Meh, today I was too hungover to make it to school. I pretty much woke up, brushed my teeth and just decided crash at home the rest of the day. Ugh, that's what I get for going to bars during back to school week. I was pretty much at home the rest of the day, vegging out on the couch watching some telly-when I went to the sport channels hoping to catch a little tennis action (which by the way there was none) and I end up watching women's beach volleyball. Now I've never watched volleyball on tv-I just play it. But since there was nothing to do I just kept it on that channel. And I've gotta say, where has this sport been all my life?! Goddamn..its seriously like the perfect sport..you've got hotties in bikinis, jumping up and down..need I say more? *sigh* I think I've just found my new favorite sport. Soccer has now taken the back seat. mmmm...those yummy volleyball players. Hey I just had a thought, what if for one episode of the L Word, the cast goes to the beach and plays a little volleyball? Kinda like that one scene in Top Gun where all the guys are playing in slo-mo..that'd be hot..no not the guys..the girls. I mean come on imagine Alice on the beach in a bikini...mmm. Oh and hey! These girls live in Cali. They should go to the beach more often! I mean I think there was like one scene in season 1 when they were all walking down like the boardwalk of something...lol I sound all pervy-it could just be that I'm drunk again. That's bad. I can't keep missing class, or work for that matter 'cause me and my girlfriend are now moving into a new place and I need the moolah. It's seriously like our dream house..but I guess its more of a loft/condo kind of thing. Man these last couple of years of saving our money are sooo worth it. lol but now we have to worry about furnishing the place *eek!* anyways I found a couple of pictures to convert u to beach volleyball..



posted by Paradox @ 7:49 PM   0 of them bitches said what?
back to school...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Ugh today was officially back to school day. *barf* where did the time go? Well I took time off from school so I could move out here, work and travel...and going back-not fun. Oh well..oh wait big news! There's a new Planet podcast!! Thank you Kelka! You guys just made my day..its like a back to school present. Anyways I'm off to listen to it. I can't concentrate on typing anymore lol...


posted by Paradox @ 4:09 PM   0 of them bitches said what?
back home..
Sunday, September 03, 2006
So we've left the homeland and we're back home (yay!) And my girlfriend gave me a belated b-day present..

--Yeah! that's right..a Les Paul! Oh man..she sound's so purdy..Best birthday present ever (thanks baby!). So that brings my guitar tally to 3 Electric and 2 Acoustic guitars. I can't wait till the next open mic night so I can show this baby off!

Anyways I think I'll go play with it some more...


posted by Paradox @ 9:06 PM   0 of them bitches said what?
prairie madness..
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Well I'm back in the homeland..ugh. lol. and I'm staying with my girlfriend's parents (who dislike me like crazy!) so I've just been out and about seeing my highschool friends..yes I went to highschool in the prairies *hangs head in shame* but through no fault of my own. I was forced by my parents since they didn't want to deal with me after I came out. But that's a whole other sob story.

Anyways this morning, I went to see one of the girls I was on the soccer team with in highschool (yes I was a jock..) and she pretty much dragged me down to one of her weekly pickup games..which happened to be held by alumni of our team. Now I am very competitive-and seeing them again raised that competitive spirit. So I laced my cleats and within about 10 minutes, I could see that since highschool, these girls have kept in shape. Now I consider myself to be in shape..I work-out regularly and I still do play soccer..but they're skill level was on a whole other plane. These girls were hardcore. I couldn't believe I used to be the captain of this team..which made me wonder..do they have lives? I mean the dedication and time it takes..must not leave you with a lot of spare time. But good news..I did score a couple goals which helped my team win 4-3..but the fun didn't begin until the game ended. -Because that's when my girlfriend came. Now in highschool, I was out and there were quite a bit of people who didn't believe me(especially the girls on my team..which was really weird) because they all thought I was making some political statement. And it didn't help that they didn't know I had a girlfriend (because she wasn't out yet). Now if you don't know me(which you probably don't since this is like my third post)..my current girlfriend is that same girlfriend from highschool..only she's pretty much out now. So when she showed up at the soccer pitch and gave me a kiss, we both recieved 'the look' from our old friends (yes she was on the soccer team too). And that pretty much opened up a wave of questions from them..lol yes you know the questions "who's the man?..what do you do in bed?"..etc and then there was this one girl who kind of has this epiphany and she says "So thats why you two were always the last ones in the shower!" haha that made my day. anyways my wrists are starting to cramp so until next time..


posted by Paradox @ 4:17 PM   0 of them bitches said what?

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